
Our Halloween Bonfire has been an annual tradition in Blissfield since 1938 in Blissfield! It brings the entire community together at Ellis Park for a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship! 
Wear your costume and show up at Shultz-Holmes Library where we will walk to the park under police and fire escort. The Blissfield matching band will play us in as we walk onto softball field where a mountain of a bonfire awaits. 
Our club serves hot dogs, cider, and doughnuts. We have other treats as well 
Auction Save the Date

Our Annual Auction has been our principle fundraising event since 1990! We have a live auction, games, silent auction, and raffles!
All are welcome to join us as we make memories, have a ton of laughs, and build friendships that will last a lifetime!

The Four Way Test

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?

Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?

Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?